January 22, 2010

Flowers In The Window - Travis

Artist: Travis
Song: Flowers In The Window
Album: The Invisible Band
Year: 2001
I'd upload many "songs of the day" today, as the soundtrack of my day has been diverse. Sometimes I think that the shuffle mode of my mp3 player is more intelligent than I think, as it seems to play the perfect song at the perfect moment, and it really happens many times. That's why I love to play my music shuffled, you never know what comes next, and if you don't like it at that moment.... just skip it.
So, maybe it'll sound a little idyllic, but this is how it's been:
"...and there I was, walking with a fixed direction, waiting for the good news to sound in my ears. The sun was shining, the grass was unexpectedly green and without a reason I had a smile on my face, then this song came up, and the smile became bigger and my steps more confident, like nothing in the world could let me down right at that moment..."
Just feel the music,... the music you listen to, is the soundtrack of your life. Sometimes you just listen, but other times you feel a song like you never did before.
Music, life, soundtracks,... I could write a lot more about this, but talking about soundtracks... I'd like to recommend to whoever is reading the soundtrack from the movie Planet 51, which isn't only a great movie, but also has a great ost. Give it a listen if you can, I can't stop doing it!!
edit: this soundtrack contains what I call "all-time greatest hits"!

1 comment:

  1. És maquíssima la cançó. Realment Travis ha tingut la mala sort d'haver hagut de competir generacionalment amb Coldplay. I amb el nom d'aquest àlbum es demostra que en Fran Healy té un gran sentit del humor hehe

    A mi per això m'agrada més sentir els àlbums, sobretot quan estan pensats com a tals. Sentir què és el que ha volgut transmetre el músic de principi a fi. Molts cops una cançó adquireix més sentit i significat quan va després o abans d'una altra. Sentint els àlbums, cançons que per si soles potser no et deien res, de cop entren en context i et meravellen. I és llavors quan un és capaç d'apreciar-les en solitari, perquè un ja té dins el cap el fil conductor d'on ve i cap a on va la cançó.

    A tall d'exemple. Amb David Guetta podem tirar d'aleatori que no passa res xD Però amb Sufjan Stevens, per dir un nom, millor que no...

    PD. Així pels noms, del OST de planet 51 només coneixo pel nom Be bop a lula i em sembla que és una versió... Totes ho són?
