October 7, 2010


No, its not the song. Today I am writing 'cos crazydrop's had some issues with blogger and is moving to wordpress (same name).

October 6, 2010

Raise Your Glass - Pink

Artist: Pink

Song: Raise Your Glass

Album: Greatest Hits... So Far

Year: 2010

Single of the greatest hits album of Pink, available in november probably. Usual (new) Pink sound for today

Keelhauled - Alestorm


Artist: Alestorm 

Song: Keelhauled 

Ad el barco, amigos! Estamos con espiritu pirata... Cooooooooon la botella de ron!

October 4, 2010

Club Called Heaven - Black Cards

Click here

Artist: Black Cards

Song: Club Called Heaven feat. Chiddy

Year: 2010

i've to say that this is the least i expected from the new project of Pete Wentz, it did positively surprise me

October 3, 2010

Since I've Been Loving You - Led Zeppelin

Artist: Led Zeppelin
Song: Since I've Been Loving You
La canción con más feeling de Led Zeppelin, y la que más me ha afectado personalmente. Siempre me evoca un mismo sentimiento, y siempre estoy dispuesto a escucharla de nuevo. Esto es un buen blues. Grandes.

New Low - Middle Class Rut

Artist: Middle Class Rut
Song: New Low
Album: No Name No Color
Year: 2010
i've been right, i've been left, i've been wrong, i've been left behind, i've been up but mostly down....... i'm so busy doing nothing, i got nothing to show

October 1, 2010

La Herida - Héroes del Silencio

Artist: Héroes del Silencio
Song: La Herida
Una canción que siempre me anima. Miles de veces la he escuchado, y miles me faltan aún. Todo sentimiento. Para alegrar los malos días.